I promised myself that I would never....
...but I have to hand this one to Dalton McGuinty. His action on what is taking place on Kashechewan Reserve is the right one. Although First Nations fall under the Federal Government, I am gald to see some action finally being taken. For all the talk that Ottawa, and the PM, does on placing First Nation issues as one of their primary areas of focus, nothing has been done. This situation is the tip of one very large iceburg and something has to be done.
Well done Mr. McGuinty. Mr. Scott, I do not care if Ottawa is paying the bills for the flight, I give praise for actually taking the step of booking them. Its time Ottawa either starts taking action, or it gets out of the way of people who are willing.
Well done Mr. McGuinty. Mr. Scott, I do not care if Ottawa is paying the bills for the flight, I give praise for actually taking the step of booking them. Its time Ottawa either starts taking action, or it gets out of the way of people who are willing.
I'd like to respond to a comment you made on Kinsella's site.
I also oppose mud slinging on the corruption file. The point I was trying to make is that nobody wins in that type of contest, because everyone is a loser.
Kinsella is precisely right about the expense account racket. Anyone can be made to look silly for the things they've charged to the taxpayer.
What I'd like to do is end the corruption mudslinging. We all want to ensure responsible gov't, but John Stewart taught us (if we didn't already know) that everyone hates a party hack.
And you're right about McGuinty in this instance. I'm not a stalwart fan of his, but I like what he's doing here.
James Bowie, at 3/11/05 08:22
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