But what about Dave?
WEll, over at Small Dead Animals, Kate has pointed out that there is little outrage for another Canadian whom the US seems to be targetting for extradition back to America. Dave Radler, whom the RCMP already took at pass on whether or not they wanted to press charges on his actions with Hollinger International Inc., is now wanted by the US for fraud related. Of course, now he is enjoying himself in Vancouver.
Now I think we all recall the case of one Marc Emery. So let the out rage begin anew...its time to Free Dave.
Now I think we all recall the case of one Marc Emery. So let the out rage begin anew...its time to Free Dave.

Actually, I think the fact that people are not supporting Radler is evidence that those who support Emery are doing more than just opposing the US.
Jason Cherniak, at 25/8/05 12:28
I would think that it shows that the Emery boys are for the most part a single-issue base that is not very consistent in its application of their ideals.
eastern capitalist, at 25/8/05 20:07
But it's not opposition to all extradition. It's opposition to the extradition of people who are not breaking laws enforced in Canada.
Jason Cherniak, at 26/8/05 09:41
Your better than this. the RCMP already said they would not be pressing any charges...they looked into the matter and said they were done with him.
Now the US is going ahead and pressing charges....
eastern capitalist, at 27/8/05 13:50
I completely agree, Scotia. The Emery fiasco is primarily based and supported by "one-issue boys" - I think it has more to do with their allegiance to the man rather than their committment to the cause
Amy Lee, at 30/8/05 20:39
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