Parrish the thought
Over at Small Dead Animals, Kate posted on the comments made by former Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish.
It would appear that Ms. Parrish thinks that Canada has been in the "peacekeeping" business for 100 years. I was always under the impression, well, at least according to the Liberal view of Canadian history, that "peacekeeping" was invented by Lester B. Pearson, but I guess even that part of history has been re-written. That is of course assuming that Ms. Parrish does not view WWI, WWII, etc., as "peacekeeping" missions...something tells me she thinks otherwise.
It would appear that Ms. Parrish thinks that Canada has been in the "peacekeeping" business for 100 years. I was always under the impression, well, at least according to the Liberal view of Canadian history, that "peacekeeping" was invented by Lester B. Pearson, but I guess even that part of history has been re-written. That is of course assuming that Ms. Parrish does not view WWI, WWII, etc., as "peacekeeping" missions...something tells me she thinks otherwise.
Parrish feels that Canadian peacekeepers should be handing out free timbits from Tim Horton's at the refugee camps.
Shameer Ravji, at 5/8/05 21:10
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