Why do I hate unions?
Oh ya, because of this sort of crap
Clear man. I will be clear. You dislike the terms and conditions of your job. Leave it. Do sometrhing else. Trying to block the country from installing a new GG, opening the House of commons is a bit too much. We are talking about CBC employees here. the country is running fine without them.
the free ride for the CBC may be coming to an end.
eastern capitalist, at 18/9/05 12:48
I love the ad hominem attack against me. Did it make you fee la little bit better to suggest that I am part of the “Fascist right?” is that how you view all members of the Conservative Party of Canada? Did it ever occur to you that maybe I am a Libertarian?
Perhaps you can explain to me how right-wing rhetoric creates a “creates a cess pool of the disenfranchised”. Personally I am more inclined to suggest that when the media begins to be a mouthpiece for any one political opinion to exclusion of others, that it debases the level of political discourse that can take place. Were you see the CBC a “centrist”, I see it as Left. Were you see Globe and CTV as “Right of Centre”, I do not. You simply state your view of course, but you do not see the need to define were you see “centre”.
Perhaps the CBC is “at least Centrist” because it is more inline with your point of view? Perhaps you hold positions that would be to on the Left when it comes to politics. May be that is why you like the CBC, while those to the Right dislike having the public broadcaster promoting those positions?
You just keep up the personal attacks; it must make you feel good inside to think that Canada is a morally superior nation than the US. I mean with a tenth of population, we do pretty well for ourselves when it comes to the “disenfranchised”. By the way, I do not buy into your view that the US is even remotely close to Tsarist Russia or Bourbon France. If you think the US is akin to those to eras, then you really have no concept of what it means to be disenfranchised.
eastern capitalist, at 18/9/05 20:45
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