White males, not allowed?
Well it would seem that the Department of Public Works has decided that it has enough white males in its ranks and have decided to close the door to any new employment to that one group in favour of "visible minorities, women, aboriginals and the disabled", unless permission is granted to hire a white male. (h/t Nealenews)
Now a quick look through the Census of Canada (done in 2001), shows a couple of things about Scott Brison's riding that he may want to consider given his interesting not allowing white males to get a job in his department.
Hants county in Nova Scotia has a male unemployment rate of 9.1. Kings county, a rate of 8.7. Both well above the Canadian average. In his riding, his poplicy would basically shut out 47% of his total population from getting a job with PWGSC.
Rather than try and assist the groups named above, PWGSC has take a hammer to the department's employment-equity goals. This policy is unfair and given the level of professionalsim demanded by Canadians in the post-gomery era, PWGSC should be looking for the best person for the job, not filling positions with the "politically correct" group member.
Now a quick look through the Census of Canada (done in 2001), shows a couple of things about Scott Brison's riding that he may want to consider given his interesting not allowing white males to get a job in his department.
Hants county in Nova Scotia has a male unemployment rate of 9.1. Kings county, a rate of 8.7. Both well above the Canadian average. In his riding, his poplicy would basically shut out 47% of his total population from getting a job with PWGSC.
Rather than try and assist the groups named above, PWGSC has take a hammer to the department's employment-equity goals. This policy is unfair and given the level of professionalsim demanded by Canadians in the post-gomery era, PWGSC should be looking for the best person for the job, not filling positions with the "politically correct" group member.