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Finally, what we need for a solution to Medicare...

Well, who would have thought. All the problems with our healthcare system can be solved. Well, Jack Layton seems to think so. It would appear that one letter and one meeting between Jack and the PM is all that is required to fix medicare in this country.

Not 41 billion over five years as the PM thought, not actually talking with the provinces and other stakeholders can cure our system. in the NDP world, all it takes is the threat of an election, a close vote in the House and they think they can drive this ball out of the park.

Never mind that there are not that many more weeks left in this session of parliament to pass any legislation, never mind that there will be an election this spring, which will kill any bill on the order paper, never mind that the Federal Liberal party has not bother talking with the provinces on this offer to the NDP, Jack is determined to fix this "complex" issue in a few months....

Oh, I wish I coudl live in NDP land. No need for facts to get in the way of anything...